Take the Lake Pledge for Lake Independence!
We are excited to let you know about a new program from Hennepin County called Lake Pledge. The program is designed to educate people about aquatic invasive species (AIS). You will watch short videos featuring local property owners, choose to take a pledge to protect your lake and other Minnesota waters, then see how your lake compares to neighboring lakes. Discover how your daily activities may unintentionally introduce AIS to your lake. The process is easy, the are videos short, entertaining, and very informative.
AIS can cause irreparable damage to native fish and plant populations affecting lake recreation, human health, property values, and the economy. Learn how to protect your lake from AIS.
You can participate through your browser or download the app to your smart phone or tablet!
Link to Lake Pledge’s website:
Link to the iOS app:
Link to the Android app:
When everyone works together, AIS can be stopped! Thanks for taking the time to check out Lake Pledge and take the pledge to protect Lake Independence.